Friday, February 03, 2006


What in the world has gone wrong in the realm of common decency! Yesterday I pulled into a local shopping area to pick up some take-out food for dinner. As I walked along about 50 yards of sidewalk and other common walkways I saw no less than a half dozen places where someone had spit on the sidewalk. A couple of the deposits had ... uh ... "chunks" in them. Disgusting! I am relatively confident that each perp was a male under the age of 25, having seen a countless number of them do this over the last few years, often in the presence of a parent. If I had done that in my dad's presence, he would have knocked me into an adjoining zip code. I saw one of my sons do it once and what followed was probably a felony in most states, certainly in all Blue States! My wife can't stand watching me spit in my backyard, probably for good reason - she was raised to be thoughtful about other people, including those who are doing nothing other than looking our way.

While I'll reserve judgment about the proper behavior in one's own yard, it is simply and indisputably indecent behavior to spit on public walkways - on public anything, for that matter. Can all adults over the age of 25 agree on this - and then unitedly rise up and tell our brats to knock it off! If they won't comply, then I recommend "relocating" them to an adjoining zip code.


At 2/03/2006 11:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Laughing here...I am hopefully releasing some of my up-tight ways as I get older, reclaiming the free person I was born to be. But free does not mean without manners. When I realize my freedom, I am grateful, appreciative, and as a result, considerate of others. In fact, I borrowed your "Big Red" and looked up "free" in the dictionary. One of the definitions: "easy and graceful."

Spitting is not. Maybe it is a part of a persona as much as anything, and someday will be given up by those kids as they reclaim their freedom.


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