It was the third deadliest day since the war began.
Hundreds of American lives in 24 families were forever altered.
The beat goes on.
We need a new way forward.
Hair on the soap - it's a problem for some people; for others it's no big deal. You can ignore it or you can wash it away - but you always notice it.
What would be your suggestion?? When nearly all the generals say stay and bring more what are we to do? Leave? Stay? Run? Be vulnerabe? What?
We could start by allowing the debate in Congress to proceed, where many suggestions have emerged. THAT is what we elect our representative government to do--to REPRESENT our views, as demonstrated in the November election, as demonstrated in public opinion polls, as demonstrated in even the military press. The American people want change, not more of the same. The Generals who had a "different opinion" from the President have been replaced.
Then there are the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group. THAT is full of suggestions. Can we start with just one of those? Engaging in the political solutions, discussions with the bordering nations (yes, the ones we don't like to talk to, but the ones who care a great deal about the outcome in Iraq). Anyone can chat with friends. Diplomacy means negotiating with your enemies. Diplomacy requires leadership, courage, and sacrifice. “Sacrifice,” a word Mr. Bush has used often to refer to our troops, does not have to be made with American blood alone. How about sacrificing our national ego? How about using our collective ingenuity and skilled leadership? What about laying down our need to “win” and realizing that we may need to find a middle ground here to ensure more lives are not lost in the LONG run because we have created such a disaster? How about standing on our trust and integrity as a nation, and taking a collective nonpartisan breath together to find a solution?
Like I said, we could start by allowing the debate to proceed in Congress, where real suggestions and solutions to this crisis have emerged.
I didn't used to be as afraid of "terror" as I am since George Bush went on a rampage in Iraq. He created a mess there, and while we did remove an evil dictator, I feel less safe now than I did in 2003.
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