3,543 Hours of Pictures, Sounds, Words & Opinions!
I like to collect favorite quotations, two of which are almost at eye level in my office, but off to the side of the 19-inch screen that is the center of my working universe. In that location these quotes don’t catch my attention as often as they should. They caught my attention yesterday and instantly created a blogistential crisis.
The first quote, from the Buddha, says:
· People with opinions just go around bothering one another.
There’s no lack of opinions on HOTS, that’s for sure, and I have a high degree of confidence that some of them, maybe more than some, have been bothersome to a few who’ve read them, maybe more than a few. The Buddha’s observation is not an injunction, however, because sometimes there’s nothing wrong with bothering someone with our opinions. Note, too, that the Buddha indicates that the people who are bothered by people with opinions are – other people with opinions. So, the bothering is mutually inflicted. Okay; I worked my way through that one well enough.
The second quote, from Sai Baba, the highly controversial Indian “guru”, says:
· Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it kind; is it necessary; is it true, does it improve on the silence.
Even though the source is controversial, this four-part test for worthwhile speech is sound advice, and a darn tough standard to meet. While I’m not aware of having posted something here that is untrue in a factual sense (the truth of opinions is always open for debate), I am guilty of posting words that clearly aren’t kind; words that almost certainly aren’t necessary; and words that probably haven’t improved on silence. Brother Baba makes me think. It will be harder to work my way through this one.
The U.S. Census Bureau just released its annual statistical abstract that says 13 million people started a blog in 2005 alone, with millions more undoubtedly having done so this year, me included. That’s a lot of opinions getting thrown into the wind, and a lot of words that are potentially unkind, unnecessary, untrue, and that don’t improve upon silence. Needless to say, we have millions of embryonic bloggers yet to come online.
More alarming is that this report says that Americans are now engaged with media of some kind (e.g., TV, cable, radio, iPods, email, Internet, etc.) for an average of 3,543 hours a year. That’s otherwise known as 147 days a year, which means we spend somewhere between 70 – 75% of our lives buried in media or the bedcovers!
So, I ask, am I just spreading verbal pollution; am I just contributing to an unhealthy media addiction, including my own? The answer is, that’s possible, if not probable. Then I ask, should I continue doing what I’ve been doing? The answer is….
I need to turn the screen off; get up; take a long walk; and think about that. I’m not sure how I’ll work my way through this one.
WHOA, JACK! Glad you want to take a long walk! What a great New Year's resolution...I'd be happy to partake in that with you and have you hit my trails. ;-)
Don’t even joke about giving up the blog. It has been great fun, as well as informative and thought provoking. Sure it helps that you and I usually see eye to eye. But even when we don't, you make me ponder and that is no waste of time.
And to make things easy, I’m giving you your blog topic for tomorrow: “Miss USA goes to Rehab.” There’s a lot of meat there!
I agree that it is thought provoking and informative. You address issues in a direct, open, and deep way that surely helps others to understand important questions of our time... or at least helps them crystallize their own views by challenging them. That is part of why it improves on the silence, among other reasons.
you know when you read a blog it's an opinion of some sort and considering you have to go through physical steps that only you yourself can make you do then you are subjecting only yourself...i view it more like engaging in an understanding of that person's perspective on life and whatever specific subject they're contemplating...it's like global conversation except no ones calling you, they've just laid their book out and it's up to you if you want to read it or not...so BLOG ON!!!
I’m sorry to inform you but one of the prerequisites for having the last name, Reid, is voicing your opinion; therefore, if you stop blogging I will have to revoke your rights to this name. Please don’t make me take such actions.
Blogging is very personal. You put yourself out there for people to judge. You offer your opinion, and then those who read your blog form an opinion about you:) However, at the same time, they develop an opinion about the subject of the blog. It's a very interesting process. When your great-grandkids want to know how you felt about the war in Iraq, I'll send them to the archive section of this blog...I won't be able to tell them because I don't usually read any of the political entries:) You have a pretty solid core of regular readers, and they all come here for different reasons. I come to find the jewels of family history, stories, and lighthearted blogs like "Holy Crap!" Others come specifically for the political or religious entries. But the reason you should continue to blog is because you do it for yourself. You are examining the world in which you live. You develop opinions about that world, and you write them down. There is no greater therapy than writing. Remember when you wrote letters to all of your kids? Letters containing information you felt was prudent to write down and pass on to your children. This blog serves as the same tool. I learn something every time I come here. Sometimes I comment, but most times I don't. Your sphere of influence is much greater than you realize. Your mind is a very busy place. I think it serves you well to write this blog, and release some of the madness! This blog is for you. We just get to reap the benefits.
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