Friday, May 04, 2007

Second Amendment Madness

The knuckle-dragging NRA just asked the White House to withdraw its support for new federal legislation that would prohibit suspected terrorists from buying guns. The NRA adamantly asserts that any person suspected of being a terrorist should be able to buy as many guns as they want - because, after all, they're just suspects.

No, I'm not making this up.

Apparently, the NRA wants us to wait until after the identified suspects have bought their arsenal and killed people in a terrorist attack. We wouldn't want to stand in their way until it's clear that there's no longer any reason or means to do so.

I'll be the first to be critical of the administration for things it has done to strip average Americans of long-cherished civil liberties, but this is one "right" that the government can hold in abeyance until such time that a suspect does what is necessary to get their name off of the government's suspected terrorist list.

At this point, I think it would be appropriate for NRA members to scrap those "We Support the Troops" bumper stickers off of their Chevy pickups. In the alternative, they can paint over the word "Troops" and insert the words "Suspected Terrorists".


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