Tao Te Ching 64 (Teaching 1)
What is rooted is easy to nourish. What is recent is easy to correct. What is brittle is easy to break. What is small is easy to scatter.
Rushing into action, you fail. Trying to grasp things, you lose them. Forcing a project to completion, you ruin what was almost ripe.
The deeper we sink our roots into life, the greater our well being. The taproot of well being is awareness of who we are and who we are not; awareness of the here and now; awareness of our deepest intention and motivation.
The sooner we correct a mistake or a problem, so-called, the greater our well being. Allowing wounds to fester only risks infection and scarring.
If we become rigid, set in our ways, we can be easily snapped. Remaining flexible in the elements around us, whatever they may be, the greater our well being.
If our thoughts remain small, meaning they are centered only on ourselves and on the minute circumstances that irritate us, the easier our energy is depleted. Being “scatterbrained” is never a compliment. The greater we maintain our integrity and wholeness, the greater our well being.
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