Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The Toll Road

Last weekend, 12 U.S. troops died in Iraq, eight on Sunday. On Sunday alone, another 100 Iraqis died in Baghdad.

The rate of American casualties is going up - it's higher now than earlier in the year; it's higher this year than last year. Last week, the Pentagon said that it expects the casualty rate to rise even higher as the year unfolds, because "now we're taking the war to the enemy". I guess the last four years have been just a preliminary bout for what is now being viewed as the main event.

Republican leaders are now calling for a reassessment of our current strategy in "the fall". When "the surge" began, they told us it would be reassessed in "the summer". I wonder what we'll be told in the summer, and then in the fall. Actually, I don't wonder. I think we know what we'll be told.

We're delaying the inevitable in Iraq while hoping for the impossible in Washington.

The beat goes on.


At 5/09/2007 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're delaying the inevitable while waiting for the next election. And then what?

The time delay only matters to the American and Iraqi families who suffer loss. The rest of us think we know what that's like; we can watch it, write about it and talk about it. But we really don't know unless we've been there.

The White House needs to open the doors and windows and invite in some creative thinking right now. Otherwise we are going to be watching a lot more of that "bad movie" Bush was talking about.


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