Ready - Fire - Aim at a New Target!
The McClatchy newspapers are reporting the following:
"U.S. military planners have abandoned the idea that training Iraqi troops will enable U.S. troops to start coming home and now say American forces will have to defeat the insurgents and secure control of troubled provinces. Training Iraqi troops, which had been the cornerstone of the Bush administration's Iraq policy since 2005, has dropped in priority, officials in Baghdad and Washington said.
"Throughout 2006, General Casey and top Bush administration leaders touted the training as a success, asserting that eight of Iraq's 10 divisions had taken the lead in fighting insurgents. But U.S. forces complained that the Iraqi forces weren't getting support from their government and that Iraqi military commanders weren't always willing to embrace U.S. tactics. Some everyday Iraqis said they didn't trust the country's forces, saying they were sectarian and easily susceptible to corruption.
"Most troubling: Insurgents and militiamen had infiltrated the forces, using their power to carry out sectarian attacks. In nearly every area where Iraqi forces were given control, the security situation rapidly deteriorated. The exceptions were areas dominated largely by one sect and policed by that sect."
The full report can be read at:
If correct, this report tells us that yet another Bush strategy in Iraq has failed and yet another new (or is it recycled?) strategy is being pursued. McClatchy is quoting Brig. Gen. Dana Pittard, commander of the Iraq Assistance Group in charge of supporting trained Iraqi forces, as saying, “Casey's mandate was transition. Gen. Petraeus' mandate is security."
Said another way, we are no longer pursuing a transition in responsibility for providing security in Iraq, from U.S. to Iraqi troops. There is no more presidential prattle about “When they stand up, we’ll stand down.” They’re standing down, so now we have to remain standing - for God knows how long. Literally - only God knows how and when this will end.
We’re on our own over there. We are the Iraqi military. We’ve become the Iraqi national police force. We are now charged with securing a country that is tearing itself apart in a bloody civil war. American troops are being asked to risk their lives, and to die, in order to resolve an Islamic sectarian battle that has been going on for well over a thousand years.
No one ever declared that to be our mission in Iraq. It’s not our mission.
At least we’ve avoided the definition of insanity that tells us it’s insane to keep doing the same thing and except different results. We keep expecting the same results while doing something different every few months. No, there’s nothing insane about that.
It’s time for every American who claims to “Support the Troops” to go before the pharaoh at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC, and demand that he “Let my people go!”